
The new family life was not without problems and historians believe that Shakespeare spent some time poaching to get food for living.

1587 Shakespeare left his wife with 3 kids and moved to London searching for a better future. There he became a member and player (actor) in the company "Lord Chamberlain's men". 

In 1591 Shakespeare wrote his first play Henry VI. He was probably influenced by his rival Christopher Marlowe (also an English poet and playwright). The play was welcomed with huge success. Shakespeare's career developed fantastically. During a few years he wrote other masterpieces like "Romeo and Juliet", "Hamlet", "Othello", etc.

Shakespeare left his life 23rd April 1616. This was about 400 years ago, but people still are amazed by his plays and poems.

Mini Vocabulary 

to poach -  to illegally kill wild animals

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